Thursday, January 29, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Beauty that we Dream in

When evil is reciprocated with evil
there is no beauty to see
only your pregnanted desire prevail
the wound will become more painful
and history has proven that hatred
will only enrich mankind
with more blood.

It has been too long
you let your blood flow like a river
in the Arabs land
in all our sacred places
and humanity that grows with hatred
will only make beauty unseen
in our dream.

you have to believe
your future lies in the people
who believes in the beauty
of their dream.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Keindahan Yang Kita Mimpikan

Bila kejahatan dibalas dengan kejahatan
tiada keindahan yang nampak
cuma kepuasan nafsumu yang hamil
luka akan bertambah bisa
dendam yang dibuktikan oleh sejarah
akan memakmurkan manusia
dengan darah.

Telah terlalu lama
engkau biarkan darahmu mengalir
di atas tanah Arab
dan tempat-tempat suci kita
dan kemanusiaan yang dibangunkan
dari kebencian
sejak tamadun baru bermula
tidak akan nampak keindahan
yang kita mimpikan.

engkau harus percaya
masa depan adalah untuk orang
yang meyakini kepada keindahan


Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Story From Rumah Geruna V

Sometimes land has a different meaning
when it is just emptiness into afar
right into the horizon and the dark night
we stand shy among pillars of the grave.

That land will always be a waste frontier
and even at time of hate its desire
to tell stories about the leaves of trees
during the prolong drought
where millions fall down to the earth and rot
trying to build back the planet green.

Sometimes our life are interpreted
in many wrong ways
to the leaves that go back to the earth
trying to build on the life cycle
and the journey into the dense forest
building human civilisation.

Sometimes when we are lonely
we lose tracks of the good of time
because the earth and the green jungle
will one day build a new civilisation
to those heart who loves life
the good earth will never be wrong.

And sometimes we will always forget
when our sincerity is given a different meaning.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Catatan Dari Rumah Geruna V

Kadang-kadang itu tanah disalah ertikan
apabila ia hanyalah ketapang kosong
tinggi menjulang ke langit dan dalam kelam malam
berdiri dengan tersipu pada liang-liang gersang.

Tanah itu akan sentiasa terbuang
dan dalam ketandusan ia masih keinginan
untuk bercerita perihal daun-daun
yang pernah satu ketika kemarau panjang
berjuta-juta keguguran ke tanah dan reput
membangunkan kembali kehidupan rimbanya.

Kadang-kadang itu kehidupan disalah tafsirkan
pada daun-daun yang pulang ke tanah
membangunkan kembali putaran dan liku-liku
perjalanan panjang ke ruang belantara
mengisi tamadun manusia.

Kadang-kadang itu pada ketika kita kesunyian
kita mudah dilupakan oleh ganjaran waktu
kerana pada tanah ini dan pohon-pohon rimba
tamadun baru bisa dijulang ke ruang angkasa
dan peluang-peluang memperkasakan
keikhlasan pada tanah-tanah
yang disalah ertikan.

Kadang-kadang itu kita terlupa membangunkan rimba
apabila keikhlasan disalah ertikan.


Friday, January 2, 2009

The Story From Rumah Geruna IV

Let say a leaf separated itself from a branch
and fall downward to reach the earth
the leaf will get decayed after the eleventh day
and when it reached the 30th day of the month
the leaf will disappear into uncertainties
and we start searching for that single leaf
that has gone into the unknown.

And let say suddenly all the leaves
separated themselves from the tree branches
and all fall downward and reached the earth
and as the eleventh day passed
all leaves start to decay one by one
and when they reached the 31st day
all leaves will disappear
and we still try to search for them
in our lives and between the trees
that are slowly falling down to the ground.

This earth are just dust of coal.